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Revolutionary Shifts In The Workers’ Compensation Landscape That Are Reshaping The Industry in 2023

Shifts In The Workers' Compensation Landscape That Are Reshaping The Industry in 2023
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Workers’ Compensation Trends In 2023 Impacting the Industry

Safety is no guarantee, yet Workers’ Compensation remains integral in protecting businesses and employees. This article will explore key trends impacting this field, such as accident frequency, medical costs, and employee classification.

Employers need to understand these trends to comply with regulations and protect their businesses, while employees need to know their rights and responsibilities regarding workers’ compensation.

By taking a close look at the current landscape, this article will provide a thorough examination of key trends affecting workers’ compensation.

Key Takeaways

  • Inflation and calls for regulatory reform have an adverse impact on the workers’ compensation industry.
  • Accident frequency remains stable while claim severity increases, leading to rising costs and unpredictable future liabilities associated with catastrophic injury cases.
  • Workplace violence is costing businesses dearly, with over 20,000 workers suffering physical trauma each year. Workplace violence costs American businesses between $250 billion and $330 billion each year and tends to occur most commonly within healthcare and other professions dealing directly with customers or the public.
  • Medical costs related to catastrophic claims have become an increasing source of worry as accident survivability has improved and long-term survival has increased. Expenses not covered by fee schedules have contributed to these rising medical costs, and over $10 million in claims have seen an unprecedented 30% surge over three years.

Accident Frequency

Although accident frequency remains stable, severity claims have seen an uptick. Therefore, businesses must remain aware of their surroundings in order to stay ahead of the curve’.

Increased costs associated with catastrophic injury cases have enormously affected workers’ compensation insurance costs and rates. Therefore, employers must remain aware of cost-reduction strategies and measures designed to mitigate risk.

To address this trend effectively, companies must take proactive measures to monitor and reduce both frequency and severity of claims.

Employers must stay abreast of industry developments, such as new regulations, court decisions, and technological advancements,, so their business is prepared for any potential changes.

Medical Costs

Medical costs associated with catastrophic claims have increased exponentially, with over 30 percent more claims exceeding $10 million being filed since 2013.

This can be attributed to several factors, including rising medical care costs, longer lives due to the survivability of accidents and improved care, and expenses not covered by fee schedules.

Regulation Impacts

Regulation impacts are also significant, with proposed rules from the U. S. Department of Labor to classify workers anticipated to reduce the number of independent contractors while changing classifications of employers.

Therefore, employers should pay careful attention when engaging independent contractors to minimize litigation risk and ensure agreements and insurance certificates for independent contractors are in order.

Additionally, the unpredictable future costs associated with catastrophic injury cases exacerbate a complicated situation.

Employee Classification

Surprisingly, the U. S. Department of Labor’s proposed rules to classify workers are expected to change current classification practices among employers drastically – this has serious ramifications for businesses as misclassification can pose legal and financial risks.

Paying close attention to insurance certificates for independent contractors cannot be overstated, as this is essential to ensure they have adequate coverage.

Furthermore, employers must understand the legal ramifications of misclassification, as this could lead to fines, penalties, or other liabilities that must be covered.

As such, employers must stay aware of proposed changes and their potential effects.

Employers should also review employee classification processes and policies in accordance with new rules.

An important aspect to keep an eye on here is the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) we have come across with some of our small business owners.

How is inflation impacting the workers’ compensation industry?

Rising costs due to inflation have created the need for cost containment measures within workers’ comp, leading to increased premiums and challenges when providing coverage.

How can employers decrease the risk of employee classification litigation?

Employers looking to reduce litigation risks related to employee classification should be proactive in screening applicants and creating a document policy that clearly defines employee versus independent contractor classification so any discrepancies are identified early and addressed effectively.

What are the best practices for providing independent contractors with appropriate insurance protection?

To ensure independent contractors receive adequate insurance coverage, employers should provide adequate training and medical monitoring and keep abreast of all applicable laws and regulations. Knowledge is the key to mitigating costly litigation risks while creating a safe work environment.

Are there any strategies available to lower the costs associated with catastrophic claims?

Strategies to lower the costs associated with catastrophic claims may include alternative therapies and return-to-work programs. Alternative therapies may reduce costs by providing cost-effective care, while return-to-work programs can help to decrease absenteeism and lost wages.

What steps can employers take to reduce workplace violence?

Employers can minimize workplace violence risks by implementing policies, training employees, and enforcing strict rules. In addition, installing security cameras or other measures, such as physical barriers, could also help.

Eventually, concluding statements by security officials that reduce violence would also help.

In Conclusion

Employers must remain current on key trends within the workers’ compensation industry to protect their businesses. While accident frequency remains stable, medical costs and claim severity continue to increase over time.

The Department of Labor’s new classification rules may help reduce the number of independent contractors, while workplace violence costs businesses billions annually.

As the old adage goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Employers should proactively monitor these trends in order to remain compliant and avoid costly litigation.

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